23rd January 2011 Sunday it’s really great to see our enthusiastic UK Partners; friends in Naziria Nazymia Mahmudia Madrasha. Mr. Shakil Sinha from British Council Bangladesh was present as a special Guest. In this great occasion Chief Guest was Mr. Abu Reza Nezamuddin Nadwi who is Founder and Chairman of Social influencing Organization ALLAMA Fazllullah Foundation. Presided by Mr. Mohammad Mozaherul Hoque, Founder-President Naziria Nazymia Mahmudia Madrasha. Community people, local authority gathered in this celebration
Students were displayed- charming salutation in the filed. Guests inaugurated Fruits-Pitha (Cakes) Festival; they visited classes, talked with Students, Teachers, Community People, and Local Councilor. Guests enjoyed our display board by watching many Photos on our activities
Our students are glad they know about their friends-classmates of UK, our teachers are happy they are meeting their friendly scholarly UK Colleagues, My Madrasha is Lucky it has privilege to welcome its Honorable UK partners,
Since 1980 the Madrasha is actively working for ensuring Proper education for the people, People comes here to learn and depart with credible knowledge and skills.
We are working not only education but also we conduct health care program such as medical check up, Vaccination, Free ENT, eye, & physiotherapy camp, Children rights, anti Drug , anti corruption, climate Change, environmental pollution ,Culture, Sports and Scouting against dowry, AIDS, anti trafficking etc many more awareness program.
Our achievement is very high we received National and International awards from many part of the world
Our aim is high we want to acquire universal values of education goal for the glob
We are proud to our UK Partners in Madrasha premises
Hafez Allama Md. Mohiul Hoque
Naziria Nazymia Mahmudia Madrasha
Chandgaon, Chittagong Bangladesh
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