18th May 2011 Wednesday morning it was very nice day when we started journey to take part in a Historical moment of Women’s Right and Social Justice in Islam.
This training program organized by The Asia foundation, Islamic University Kushtia, and Islamic Foundation Bangladesh
In two days Program We shard Idea, information, knowledge, base on the Holy Quran, - Hadith on respective issues. We also remarked Problems, barrier, solving ways, techniques of implementation to the society
Our learning was really exciting, enjoyable and effective for gathering Knowledge. Need analysis – Needs - Aims – Planning- Implementation –Evaluation etc
Following the Holy Quran and Hadith It is not hard to Protect Women's rights and expanded to guarantee each woman's right as a full participant in society, free from harassment, eve teasing, job discrimination or interference in the intensely personal choice etc
This training module leaning point designed by five key techniques to train
i) Resistance of violence against women
ii) Role of Women in Decision making
iii) Women education
iv) Women’s inheritance
v) Women’s economical empowerment
Finally our findings on the issues:
i) Easily Implementation Techniques
ii) Right presentation skills
iii) Fully collaborative Idea
iv) Easily reaching Methods to the root level of the society
v) Steps to take Courageous techniques
vi) Clear Idea on the issues
We are committed to establishing relationships that support the self-definition and self-determination of all people; and that consciously confront the barriers of social Problems We also committed to go ahead with successful activities of Women’s Right and Social Justice in Islam.
The Asia foundation, Islamic University Kushtia and Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, their arrangements were really very rich, colorful, helpful, and effective for this great training module, leaning – teaching methods.
There is no doubt this training improved our skills to develop the sustainable education in women to root level. By thus a lot of People will get chance to solve their family and social problems.
Most regards
Naziria Naymia Mahmudia Madrasha
Pesh Imam & Khatib
Chandgaon, Chittagong, Bangladesh
01554-314744 / nnmmad@gmail.com